#QualityMatters Podcast Episode Ep 170 – Making Quality Fun and Engaging with Connor O’Boyle

Ep 170 – Making Quality Fun and Engaging with Connor O’Boyle

In this enlightening episode of #QualityMatters, we dive into the timeless wisdom of Benjamin Franklin, exploring the critical importance of quality over cost. Join host Kyle Chambers and special guest Connor O’Boyle, Director of Training at Gauge Training Inc., as they unravel how quality can be a fun, interesting, and essential aspect for businesses of all sizes. This episode promises to not only enlighten but also entertain, as we navigate through practical strategies and insights to elevate your company’s quality management practices. Tune in to discover how you can integrate quality into your business ethos and why, in the world of business, quality truly matters more than ever.

Connect with Connor O’Boyle:

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