

Ep 18 -Villain Arts Tattoo convention Houston

The Tattoo Convention was a blast The Tattoo industry is proof positive that it doesn’t matter what your industry is #QualityMatters folks!!!! Thanks to the Villain Arts Tattoo Convention Houston Texas for having us out to cover this event. From the tattoo machine used, to the lubricants for the skin for pre, during and post


Ep 12 – Steps on How to ”Get” ISO Certified

What’s it take to get ISO 9001 Certified? Darci and Kyle Chambers host of #QualityMatters podcast are discussing a blog post Kyle publish discussing what it takes to ”Get” ISO and details about each step in the process. GAP Analysis – This is a short audit intended to gauge where you are, what your business processes


Ep 11 -Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas

Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas Welcome back to #QualityMatters podcast with your hosts Darci and Kyle Chambers.  Today we are discussing a recent article published by ASQ “Big Data Drives Healthcare Towards More Informed Future” Check it out below.http://asq.org/qualitynews/qnt/execute/displaySetup?newsID=25514 “It may seem like just another hi-tech buzzword, but

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