Author name: Darci Chambers


Ep 12 – Steps on How to ”Get” ISO Certified

What’s it take to get ISO 9001 Certified? Darci and Kyle Chambers host of #QualityMatters podcast are discussing a blog post Kyle publish discussing what it takes to ”Get” ISO and details about each step in the process. GAP Analysis – This is a short audit intended to gauge where you are, what your business processes


Ep 11 -Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas

Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas Welcome back to #QualityMatters podcast with your hosts Darci and Kyle Chambers.  Today we are discussing a recent article published by ASQ “Big Data Drives Healthcare Towards More Informed Future” Check it out below. “It may seem like just another hi-tech buzzword, but


Ep 8 – USPS – OHSA – Heat Stress & Forklift Accidents

Welcome back to #QualityMatters! Where Quality counts everywhere from the oilfield to the education system.  Our host of the show Darci Chambers will be digging into a series of recent safety violations against the USPS – United States Postal Service regarding OHSA heat stress and forklift (powered industrial trucks for you non safety geeks out


Ep 7 – ITC Plant Failure with Mo Aziz and more

With Mo Aziz we are discussing ITC Intercontinental Terminal Companyplant fires in Houston and explorer lessons learned from other plant fire & explosion. L Learn more about #QualityMatters & Texas Quality Assurance :LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter  | Instagram  | | Texas Quality Assurance


Ep 6 – Kenya Medical Aid Supply Chain & ISO 9001

Welcome back to #QualityMatters with husband and wife due Kyle and Darci chambers.  Today we are exploring the impact of a Quality Management System, specifically against ISO 9001 for Kenya Pharma.  For those of you, like us who didn’t know, Kenya Pharma is a project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Chemonics International. Basically that means that Kenya Pharma ensures a reliable supply of high-quality, low-priced pharmaceutical commodities for people with HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Episode, Uncategorized

Ep 5 – Houston Police Department Shooting

Welcome back to #QualityMatters.  Your host Darci Chambers and Co-Host Kyle Chambers are discussing a recent nation wide news story in Houston Texas involving a shooting, multiple injured officers, the death of two suspects, and the infamous no knock warrant.  From a process and procedural point of view, how could this have gone differently?  What


Ep 4 – Quality Management Representative

Welcome back to #QualityMatters.  Your host Darci Chambers and Co-Host Kyle Chambers are discussing the role of the Quality Management Representative in today’s Quality Management System. What changed between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015? How does this affect you and your organization?  First, make sure you go online to subscribe to the Podcast if you

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