Ep 9 – Simon Sinek’s Start with Why & its Impact on Quality Management

Start with Why & its Impact on Quality Management

Thanks again for joining us for #QualityMatters podcast!  Your husband and wife duo of Kyle and Darci Chambers are back, and back in the Garage Studio again tonight talking about Start with Why and its impact on Quality Management. Be sure to check us out online at www.QMCast.com and www.TexasQualtiyAssurance.com to keep up to date with the latest news from us.

Today we discuss a small piece of an author who should need no introduction today, Simon Sinek and his groundbreaking book “Start with Why”.  Today we are only reading from one small but powerful piece, if you had a copy handy we are readying from Assume You Know paged 14 and 15.  Simon goes on to talk about how American automakers were astonished their Japanese counterparts were not required to test a door’s fit at the end of the assembly line, that there were simply designed from the start differently and better.  This small section encapsulates the entire PDCA “Plan Do Check Act” cycle for you non Quality Geeks out there.

In today’s episode we talk about everything from Food safety and processes inside chemical plants to 3D printing with metals.  Listen and laugh along side Darci and Kyle as they explore again why Quality really does Matter


To learn more about Simon Sinek and his mission on Starting with Why, check him out here https://startwithwhy.com/

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Darci’s LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/darci-chambers-b2196683/

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