Ep 11 -Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas

Big Data and it relates to both Healthcare & Oil & Gas

Welcome back to #QualityMatters podcast with your hosts Darci and Kyle Chambers.  Today we are discussing a recent article published by ASQ “Big Data Drives Healthcare Towards More Informed Future” Check it out below.

“It may seem like just another hi-tech buzzword, but Big Data is transforming the way businesses and organizations operate.”  And this is absolutely true.  Big data has changed the way we Shop, IE Amazon, the way the consume media, IE Facebook, and will continue to transform our lives in the future.  Imagine a world where your doctor benefits from the combined knowledge of 100,000 other patient histories similar to your own to HELP inform them of the best course of action for you or your children ( as we discuss).

The same revolution is occurring simultaneously in the Oil & Gas industry.  Trillions of dollars are to be made, markets to be revolutionized and a world to be changed for the better if we can gain proper access and control to this data.  Check it out yourself.  https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Big-Oils-Trillion-Dollar-Data-Battle.html 

The fact is as we have discussed before, the world is rapidly changing, advances are being made, and we all stand to benefit from this continued wave of innovation.  Big Data is the next wave on the tech horizon, will it has and will continue to change Quality regardless your industry, Healthcare or Oil & Gas, its time to ride the wave.  #QualityMatters!

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